We’ve carried out some testing on our own systems, using the mid-range rig as the basis, and pitching it against an Intel-based machine sporting the same GPU, to get a bead on the relative gaming performance delta between Windows 10 and Windows 11 with AMD and Intel processors. Hit the Win key on your keyboard, type Mouse, and it will bring up the relevant screen from Settings. From here click on Additional mouse settings and it will open up one of those ancient Windows dialogue boxes that haven’t been redesigned since forever. Click on the Pointer Options tab and uncheck the Enable pointer precision box at the top. It’s worth noting that a lot of games will utilise raw input, which will ignore any software acceleration Windows might add, but that doesn’t cover everything and you may find some MOBA or RTS games especially don’t feature it. Microsoft has worked hard on the feature over the last six months or so to ensure any of the previous stuttering or input lag that has plagued it in the past is a fading memory.
Now you can enable it without impacting performance, and avoid Windows trying to pop up with notifications, or driver updates, or deciding to restart on a whim.